Sunday, 12 December 2010

Too Cold To Run

Not temperature wise as it would appear to be summer like weather at the moment with the outside temperature soaring to 5 Celsius. No, I have come down with a cold, more commonly termed as man-flu. So I didn't run on Friday as i felt quite bad. A little 3m jog with the dog on Saturday was tough going; although he had to have some exercise as we went to Rochester for the day and he was left along for most of the day. Spent most of Saturday evening on the sofa in a sleeping back freezing my wotsits off !!. Once I'd had a bowl of porridge at about 9 I was too hot. Went to bed at 11 and slept the night through - woke up this morning and decided there would be no running today. There are not many times in the 16 or so years running that I have missed running because of a cold; maybe I'm getting old (or perhaps wise)

We had a nice day in Rochester yesterday, a Dickensian market in the castle grounds, and a walk around the city itself, whilst it was not too cold I could not get warm myself.

Last weeks cancelled Luton was a bit of a disappointment to say the least. After 12 weeks or so training for a marathon and then have it cancelled at the last minute is a bit gutting. Whilst it is easy to say that there is a good base for VLM next year, not having run a 20 for a few weeks now good training seems to be fading fast. I had planned to run a long one today. Never mind.

I was looking at the half-marathon at Wicksteed Park on January 1st. Notably starting at 11:11, 01/01/11 - I should enter it really as it will give me a goal and kick-start good training again.

Got a mention on the Marathon Talk podcast. Responded to their email via facebook to comment on what we would be doing as the marathon was cancelled.