Sunday, 19 October 2014

Forty Something!

Not my age, although I can still just about get in with that one; but the number of miles cycled today. 40.35 according the the Garmin fit app on my phone. That was the back up since the usually reliable 610 seems to be having trouble both connecting to the charging lead, and still 'reverse charges'. So, nice to have gone out on a bright but windy morning and notched up my longest ride (so we'll class that as a PB - seems, according to Garmin Connect, an elevation PB too).

Garmin connect was kind enough to tell me so too.

Another PB for the week is most miles cycled. 80.9, whilst some might think that low that's pretty good for me. Only 11.4 miles ran, that was over 2 runs; 3 (5k) on Wednesday and 8 Saturday. Wednesdays run was a post-ride run (slow) and Saturdays was fairly quick. It was supposed to be a recovery week.